Democratic development
The primacy of democracy rests on equal inclusion and representation of all its country’s citizens. HRCP closely observes the electoral process to determine not only whether elections were held as planned, but also whether polling remained peaceful and conducted in accordance with the rules and legislation governing elections.
It is critical that elections take place on time and that they are free of undue influence, such as pre-poll manipulation and vote rigging. Any complaints of this nature must be investigated fairly and transparently before the results are accepted. Other considerations to keep in mind, given Pakistan’s history of volatile security, is whether political candidates are provided adequate protection detail on their campaign trails.
The public’s role cannot be understated in the electoral process either. Voter turnout must involve active participation by every demographic, including women and minorities. More vigorous electoral awareness drive to encourage voter participation would go a long way to ensure this. Furthermore, independent observers and media representatives must be given easy access to ensure that the wider public is privy to how elections are conducted and whether conditions of transparency are being met. Newly elected candidates must then be held accountable to fulfil their electoral pledges on the basis of which they have been deemed worthy to represent their constituency’s best interests. Finally, women, transgender persons and other community representatives must be encouraged to contest polls for better representation and promote inclusiveness in society.
Therefore, HRCP supports every citizen’s right to political participation with a fair and unbiased election process that ensures every citizen’s voice is heard and respected.