Other opportunities

Expression of interest: Website design and development

HRCP seeks expressions of interest from qualified individuals or firms to design and develop a new website for the organization.

Broadly, the purpose of this assignment is to:

  • Design a new look and feel for the website, developing a graphic concept and visual language for it.
  • Ensure a consistent visual language on the new site by introducing fixed styles in templates, ensuring consistency in fonts, formatting, icons, images, and layout techniques.
  • Adapt the new look and feel to the homepage and all other sections and subsections, based on a site map developed in consultation with HRCP.
  • Incorporate standard page elements—including headers, footers, tabs, persistent navigation, Contact Us, and page print options—in the new website.
  • The new website should guarantee that the most recent content on the site is captured automatically on the homepage in an organized way, following specific categories, tags or other customized taxonomies.
  • All section and subsection webpages should incorporate functionalities to guarantee that the latest information on that section and/or sub-section is displayed (for example, press releases, resources, publications, events).
  • Ensure that the following functions are incorporated on the website: mobile compatibility, feed links, responsive design, search engine optimization, social media sharing features, multiple page styles and custom post types, language option feature, search function by free text, sign-ups for latest news (press releases, events), and any other functionalities identified during the planning stage.
  • Develop a user manual and deliver a webinar for support staff and system administrators to perform content upload, system maintenance and administration.
  • Provide administrative and technical support, including quality control, for a period of 12 months.

Candidates should have at least three years’ experience of website design and development.

Candidates should submit a detailed technical and financial proposal, including:

  • A cover letter addressing the requirements stated above.
  • An organizational profile (where applicable).
  • Detailed CVs of key personnel.
  • One reference from a previous client for whom the candidate has carried out similar work.
  • A copy of their CNIC (for individuals) or NTN/STRN (for firms/organizations).

We expect to engage the consultant’s services for 12 weeks from the date of signing an MOU.

For any financial queries, please contact Muhammad Alamgir at hr@hrcp-web.org.

Shortlisted proposals will be evaluated on a technical (70 percent) and financial (30 percent) basis. Please submit your proposal in English in either MS Word or PDF (technical proposal) and MS Excel (financial proposal) by emailing your cover letter and submission to Muhammad Alamgir at hr@hrcp-web.org with the subject line ‘Website development’, latest by 5 August 2024. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Posted 26 July 2024.