HRCP for people-friendly use of resources

Lahore, May 31: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has called upon the federal and provincial finance manager’s to use the budgetary instruments to ensure the utilisation of national resources in the best interest of the people, especially the poor and the disadvantaged, so that they are not only assured of a higher

HRCP demands recovery of missing journalist

Lahore, May 31: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has expressed serious alarm at the disappearance of journalist Saleem Shahzad and reports that he might have been abducted by a state agency. Shahzad, Pakistan bureau chief of Asia Times Online, had gone missing after he left his house in Islamabad on Sunday evening

Statement of HRCP Mission to Balochistan

Deeply concerned by the rapidly deteriorating situation in Balochistan, the Human Rights Commission organised a fact-finding mission to the province between 4 & 7 May. The teams visited Khuzdar, Turbat and Quetta, meeting a wide cross-section of people, including government representatives. At the outset, HRCP would like to express its deep anger and sadness

Agencies’ role in JSMM activists’ murder must be probed: HRCP

Lahore, May 5: Endorsing the observations of its fact-finding mission that probed the murder of four political activists in Sanghar district a fortnight ago, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has expressed shock and disgust at police callousness and called upon the Sindh government to immediately hold a judicial probe into the brutal

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