HRCP call for end to disappearances

Lahore, August 29: On the eve of the International Day of the Disappeared (August 30), the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has reiterated its demand that the government must adopt effective measures to rid to country of the curse of enforced disappearances, beginning with immediate ratification of the International Convention for the Protection

HRCP warns against latest snare for democracy

Lahore, August 30: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has said that the army being asked to adjudicate upon matters that should have been resolved by politicians made for an “exceeding gloomy day for the country”. The Commission has stated that that was what the marchers had been seeking all along as they had

HRCP not impressed by no-holds-barred fight for gaddi

Lahore, August 5: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has expressed alarm at an “exaggerated hassle over who should occupy the gaddi” leading to total neglect of the affairs of the state. It has called upon the government to focus on the real issues of the people and urged those seeking to pressurise the government

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