March 3, Lahore: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has slammed an attack on the district courts in Islamabad where the fatalities included one judge and several lawyers, and expressed serious concern that even the federal capital was not safe from such attacks.

In a statement released to the media on Monday, the Commission said: “HRCP is greatly perturbed by the attack on the premises of the district courts in Islamabad and the killing of an additional sessions judge and lawyers. This is a serious security lapse which demonstrates that the security authorities have been unable to clear Islamabad of dangerous elements or preventing their entry into the city.

“HRCP also firmly believes that such attacks will not be prevented by talking to one cleric or another who sympathise with extremist militants. Through such assaults the assailants are sending the unmistakable message that they would not let the system work. They have been giving warning after warning that no place in the country is safe. Turning the other cheek or sitting on one’s hands until the militants choose to strike again is not working so far. It also seems that access to weapons and explosives is not a problem for the attackers. All this is completely demolishing people’s confidence in the government’s ability to protect them from militants’ murdering binge.

“HRCP calls upon the government to significantly improve the effort, intelligence and policing to prevent such attacks once for all, including by relying on the necessary use of force, wherever that is inevitable.”

 Zohra Yusuf
