Lahore, January 15: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has condoled the passing of a senior former staff member and veteran human rights activist Mian Nizam Din.

In a condolence meeting, HRCP fondly recalled Mian Sahib “as much more than a human rights activist. He was the famous developer of our archives section and that of many other organisations. Even in his school years, he was a courageous human rights activist. Never one to hold back when he believed in something, he had been imprisoned for being an avid supporter of the freedom struggle of India.

Mian Nizam worked for Pakistan Times, The Frontier Post and Viewpoint. His last assignment was with HRCP where he worked until old age prevented him from working. As a pioneer of reference sections in media, Mian Sahib trained generations in the field.

The news of Mian Sahib’s death is devastating not only for his family and friends, but also for the many human rights activists, researchers in Pakistan and abroad whose work he facilitated.

HRCP staff paid rich tributes to Mian Sahib and while condoling with his family and friends said that the vitality and dedication he brought to everything he did would be greatly missed.

I. A. Rehman

Secretary General