Lahore, March 09: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) expresses deep grief and anger at the unchecked attack on over 100 homes belonging to the Christian community in Badami Bagh, Lahore today. The shocking incident occurred after a Christian young man was accused of blasphemy.

It is regrettable that the Punjab administration has not learnt any lessons from previous incidents such as those in Gojra and Shantinagar and totally failed in providing protection to a minority community under siege. Instead of investigating the case, the police arrested Christians while those who went on a rampage and can easily be identified from television footage have gone scot free.

The attack is yet another shameful incident against a vulnerable community and further confirmation of the slide toward extremism in society on the one hand and, on the other hand, the apathy and inaction that has become the norm among the police. Handing out compensation cheques is not a solution; strong action against those responsible must be ensured.

Zohra Yusuf
