HRCP concerned over delays in relief effort

HRCP concerned over delays in relief effort Lahore, 2 April. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) alerts the authorities to the growing frustration among vulnerable families over unnecessary delays in providing them with food rations and other necessities. HRCP believes that the lack of clarity at the level of the federal government –

Protect sanitation workers from Coronavirus

Protect sanitation workers from Coronavirus Lahore, 26 March. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) urges the federal and provincial governments to ensure that sanitation workers – who are also on the frontlines of the battle against the Coronavirus – are provided protective personal equipment to function safely and effectively. No sanitation worker should

Protecting prison populations from COVID-19

Joint statement: Protecting prison populations of Pakistan from COVID-19 Dated: 23 March 2020 We, the undersigned human rights organisations and human rights defenders, request rapid action to ensure that inmates and staff of Pakistani prisons are provided adequate protection as cases of Covid-19 continue to increase across the country. As noted in a recent

HRCP calls for immediate economic measures to protect the vulnerable

HRCP calls for immediate economic measures to protect the vulnerable Lahore, 22 March. The global health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic could have a colossal impact on the health and livelihoods of ordinary Pakistanis. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) demands that the government take the following rights-based economic measures without delay. The government must invest in providing protective gear to medical staff dealing with

HRCP demands immediate relief for daily wagers

HRCP demands immediate relief for daily wagers Lahore, 18 March. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) is alarmed by the fallout of the national health emergency – caused by the COVID-19 pandemic – on the poor and vulnerable, particularly on daily-wage labourers and workers who rely on the ‘gig economy’ to keep their

HRCP pays tribute to Dr Mubashir Hasan

HRCP pays tribute to Dr Mubashir Hasan Lahore, 16 March. In Dr Mubashir Hasan’s passing, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has lost not only a founder member, but also an elder statesman to whom three generations of HRCP turned for counsel. Dr Hasan was a member of HRCP’s Council for two decades.

Idris Khattak still missing four months to the day

Idris Khattak still missing four months to the day Lahore, 13 March. Four months after the disappearance of political worker and human rights defender Idris Khattak, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) remains greatly concerned as to his physical and mental wellbeing. Allegedly, Mr Khattak was forcibly disappeared on 13 November 2019 by

Aurat March warrants full support from state and citizens

Aurat March warrants full support from state and citizens Lahore, 6 March. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) expresses its unequivocal support for Aurat March, and strongly condemns any attempts to subvert, malign or threaten the march, its organisers, and supporters. HRCP sees Aurat March as an integral part of the collective struggle

HRCP cautions against communal violence spreading

HRCP cautions against communal violence spreading Lahore, 3 March. The grim situation in Delhi – where violent mobs have seemingly been given a free hand by the administration to lynch citizens from the minority Muslim population, to burn their property, and attack mosques – is highly deplorable. This is happening at a time when

Government must protect vulnerable groups in Sindh

Government must protect vulnerable groups in Sindh Karachi, 17 February. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) calls on the federal and provincial governments to protect the rights of peasants, workers, women and religious minorities in Sindh. Following a hari and mazdoor convention in Hyderabad, and meetings with human rights defenders and professionals in Mithi, HRCP is deeply

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