HRCP cautions against strong-arm tactics against AMP peasants

Lahore, April 18: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has expressed serious concern over the administration denying peasants associated with Anjuman Muzareen Punjab (AMP) their right to peaceful protest and holding a convention aimed at drawing attention to the long struggle for their right to the land they have been cultivating for decades. In

Pervasive militarisation undermining democratic system, rights

Lahore, April 3: Ubiquitous militarisation of all sectors of civilian authority is damaging the democratic system and adversely affecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, which are being restricted in the name of security, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has stated. A statement issued at the conclusion of the HRCP Executive Council and annual general meetings on Sunday

HRCP aghast at Dr Asim’s deteriorating mental health

Lahore, March 30: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has expressed grave concern over a report about deterioration of mental health of Dr Asim Hussain, a former federal minister, and his treatment in the custody of paramilitary forces in Karachi. In a statement released to the media on Wednesday, the Commission said: “HRCP

HRCP condemns Lahore massacre, violent march on parliament

March 28, 2016: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has strongly condemned Sunday’s brutal bombing in Lahore and expressed grave concern over the militants’ ability to launch devastating attacks despite the ongoing crackdown. HRCP also expressed alarm over a violent crowd arriving unhindered in the federal capital from Rawalpindi and staging a sit-in in

Convention against Torture

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 39/46 of 10 December 1984 entry into force 26 June 1987, in accordance with article 27 (1) The States Parties to this Convention, Considering that, in accordance with the principles

HRCP to govt, political parties: do more for gender parity in parliament

Lahore, March 6: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has said that under-representation of women in parliament in this day and age was a poor reflection on the promise of gender equality and parity in the country and the government and all political parties needed to realise their responsibility in addressing that imbalance.  

Women’s exclusion from top governance slots alarming: HRCP

Lahore, March 5: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has called for addressing the ‘near-complete exclusion’ of women from top governance positions in the country. A press statement issued by HRCP on Saturday, as part of its media campaign ahead of International Women’s Day (March 8), said that even though women constituted half the

HRCP calls for prosecuting media attackers

Lahore, March 5: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has expressed grave alarm over attack on media organisations and journalists on Friday by mobs protesting the execution of former Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer’s murderer. The Commission demanded that all those who had instigated and carried out the violence to intimidate the media must be brought to

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