HRCP calls for investigation and accountability in boat capsize tragedy

Press release HRCP calls for investigation and accountability in boat capsize tragedy Lahore, 19 June 2023: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) is shocked by the tragic deaths of at least 300 Pakistani nationals—including women and children—who drowned when their boat capsized off the coast of Greece last week. The fact that these were

HRCP opposes NA resolution on military courts

Press release HRCP opposes NA resolution on military courts Lahore, 13 June 2023. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) takes strong exception to the recent resolution passed by the National Assembly calling for the rioters involved in the 9 May violence to be tried and convicted under the Pakistan Army Act 1952. Of

HRCP insists on civilian supremacy in ongoing political crisis

Press release HRCP insists on civilian supremacy in ongoing political crisis Islamabad, 31 May 2023. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) warns all political stakeholders that, unless they desist from any further measures that could imperil the country’s fragile democracy, they may find themselves unable to steer the country safely through the multiple

HRCP demands thorough investigation into Karachi doctor’s murder

Press release HRCP demands thorough investigation into Karachi doctor's murder Lahore, 25 May 2023. A fact-finding mission led by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has ascertained that the murder of a doctor, Birbal Ginani, on 31 March in Karachi does not seem to be linked to his association with the Hindu community. Conducted

Immediate need for restraint and dialogue in political crisis

Press release Immediate need for restraint and dialogue in political crisis Lahore, 10 May 2023. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) is greatly troubled by the unfolding political crisis in the country, following the arrest of former prime minister Imran Khan yesterday, and its implications for the rights of ordinary citizens. We deplore

State must take stand against mob attacks

Press release State must take stand against mob attacks Lahore, 8 May 2023. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) observes with great alarm that the prevalence of—and seeming public tolerance for—mob lynching has risen in recent months. This uptick in vigilantism not only indicates an increasing desensitisation to violence, but also breeds further

HRCP Council alarmed by economic crisis, calls for parliamentary supremacy

Press release HRCP Council alarmed by economic crisis, calls for parliamentary supremacy Lahore, 30 April 2023. On concluding its biannual meeting, the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP)’s governing Council has expressed serious concern over the country’s dire economic situation, purported increase in child labour and exploitative practices, and reports of suicides allegedly

Political and economic turmoil has had serious impact on human rights

Press release Political and economic turmoil has had serious impact on human rights HRCP releases annual report for 2022 Islamabad, 26 April 2023. In its flagship annual report State of Human Rights in 2022, released earlier today, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has expressed concern over the political and economic turmoil of last

HRCP launches fact-finding report on rights violations in Balochistan

Press release HRCP launches fact-finding report on rights violations in Balochistan Quetta, 19 April 2023. In its fact-finding report titled Balochistan’s Struggle for Hope launched in Quetta today, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has expressed deep concern about the mounting public frustration in Balochistan over enforced disappearances, economic exclusion, curbs on press

HRCP marks 50 years of 1973 Constitution

Press release HRCP marks 50 years of 1973 Constitution Lahore, 10 April 2023. Marking 50 years to the day since the Constitution of 1973 was passed by the National Assembly, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) notes that, in a history interspersed with periods of autocratic military rule and attempts to grossly undermine

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