HRCP condemns Kashmir siege

Lahore, 4 August. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) strongly condemns the Modi government’s unrelenting suppression of civil, political and economic rights in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). As an independent human rights body with strong rights-based networks across South Asia and globally, HRCP believes that the state of affairs in J&K since 5 August 2019, has further destabilised the region and left its struggling population even more vulnerable to war and destruction. In addition to persistent tension across the Line of Control between India and Pakistan, the issue has led to the Sino-Indian border standoff.

The Kashmiris are battling constant curfews, illegal detentions, and extrajudicial killings. The new domicile law for J&K also suggests that the government in Delhi is determined to compel demographic changes in the area, to the detriment of Kashmiri citizens’ own rights. The two-day curfew announced ahead of the first anniversary of the Indian government’s decision to revoke J&K’s autonomy is undemocratic and ill-intentioned.

HRCP calls on all regional and international players to support the human rights of J&K’s residents, and demands that the Indian and Pakistani governments resume the process of dialogue, with Kashmiris at the centre of any negotiations and settlements.

On behalf of Dr Mehdi Hasan