Lahore, November 29:  Participants of a‘March to End Hunger’ event organised by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP)on Friday called upon the government to ensure accessto food for all, control prices of staple foods and initiate land reform.

The walk started from the Punjab Assembly and concluded at the Lahore Press Club. The hundreds of participants included activists of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, South Asia Partnership (SAP) and members and activists of other human rights and worker’s organisations. Also joining the walk were labourers, students and concerned citizens. Brochures and other informative material were distributed among the participants, which explained food security, factors which affect it and the citizens’ demands. Similar such events were organised by other HRCP offices in Quetta, Multan and Hyderabad.

At the conclusion of the walk, the participants held a press conference at the Lahore Press Club. The speakers included HRCP’s Secretary General I. A. Rehman, Miss HinaJillani, Mr Khurshid Ahmad, Mr Farooq Tariq and others. The speakers pointed out that rising inflation has made a balanced diet impossible for a majority of people. The major sources of protein, like meat and pulses, have become unaffordable. Even though the government provided food subsidies for the consumers, the benefit did not reach the poorest families and there was a need for targeted support for the most needy.

HRCP demanded of the government and civil society to enhance people’s awareness of the right of basic nutrition and food security through combined efforts. Other demands included:

  • The need for land reform and proper utilization of land to ensure adequate production of food items.
  •      Provision of clean drinking water and sanitation since they are essential to the realization of all human rights.
  • Curbing smuggling and hoarding of food, especially in times of crisis.
  • Putting in place a mechanism to check prices of staple foods from rising, as well as reconsidering the minimum wage regime to ensure affordability.
  • Introducing measures to control the high population growth rate.
  • Facilitate research to improve crop yields and introduce improved storage and transport facilities.
  • Put an end to the arbitrary conversion of fertile farmland into housing schemes.

I. A. Rehman

Secretary General