HRCP pays tribute to Dr Mubashir Hasan

Lahore, 16 March. In Dr Mubashir Hasan’s passing, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has lost not only a founder member, but also an elder statesman to whom three generations of HRCP turned for counsel.

Dr Hasan was a member of HRCP’s Council for two decades. During this time, he remained actively involved in the Commission. A man of unwavering integrity, his life and work reflected the values that HRCP has always stood for: pluralism, secular values, social democracy, disarmament, and the realisation of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights for all. His commitment to regional peace led to the establishment of the Pakistan-India People’s Forum for Peace and Democracy during a period that was rife with regional war-mongering. He also remained a staunch supporter of women’s rights throughout his life.

While HRCP’s Council, general members’ body and staff across Pakistan will feel his loss keenly, the Commission resolves to carry forward the ideals espoused by Dr Hasan.

On behalf of Harris Khalique
