Protect sanitation workers from Coronavirus

Lahore, 26 March. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) urges the federal and provincial governments to ensure that sanitation workers – who are also on the frontlines of the battle against the Coronavirus – are provided protective personal equipment to function safely and effectively.

No sanitation worker should be compelled to work without a face mask, disposable gloves, protective footwear, and hand sanitiser. Moreover, they should be guaranteed free medical care and paid sick leave in the event that they, or members of their family, fall ill.

Sanitation workers already work in difficult conditions and often without adequate protective gear; they are now even more vulnerable to contagion. Waste management and disposal is an essential component of any public health strategy and, in these grim circumstances, all municipal bodies and private companies across Pakistan must prioritise their workers’ health and welfare.

On behalf of Dr Mehdi Hasan