Press release

Negligence caused deaths of 53 children in Kohat boating accident

Lahore, 25 February 2023: A fact-finding mission led by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has demanded a high-profile inquiry into a tragic boating accident in Kohat in which 53 children and a seminary teacher drowned in Tanda Dam. The mission has found that sheer negligence, poor inter-institutional coordination, weak enforcement of boating regulations and inadequate maintenance protocols were responsible for the high number of casualties.

The children were students at a local seminary and had been taken out on the dam in a small boat, which capsized when it could no longer bear the load. This violation of their right to life and safety is cause for serious concern, especially given the lackadaisical response of the seminary head who owed a duty of care to his young charges.

While the mission’s report—released earlier today—could not establish specific culpability, it finds considerable evidence to suggest that the seminary head, the Irrigation Department and civil administration all bear responsibility for the accident. The FIR lodged failed to reflect this. No arrests were made and the investigation process leaves much to be desired.

Although boating has been banned in Tanda Dam since 2022, weak enforcement has meant that tourists continue to take boats out onto the water, including many that are not fit for purpose. Given the sheer number of casualties, HRCP calls for a joint investigation team to conclusively establish culpability and bring those responsible to account in a manner proportional to the gravity of the negligence.

The mission recommends improved coordination between all institutions overseeing the dam, with clearly defined responsibilities in each case. Emergency services must be bolstered to include trained divers able to respond adequately and in time. Appropriate action must be taken to ensure that the ban on boating is enforced and the public made fully aware of the consequences of violating it.

Hina Jilani

The report can be accessed here.