Press release

Azm-e-Istehkam must not compromise rights 

Lahore, 8 July 2024. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) is concerned by the possible repercussions of the recently announced Azm-e-Istehkam operation through which the federal government proposes to deal with rising militancy in the country.

While there is no question that the state must deal urgently with deteriorating law and order and poor security across the country, HRCP is concerned by the lack of transparency surrounding this measure. The state must not forget that such measures are as much political as they are security-driven. Accordingly, Parliament must deliberate on this operation carefully and transparently, taking into account the concerns of the entire political spectrum as far as possible.

HRCP’s greatest concern is the potentially adverse impact this measure could have on ordinary citizens, many of whom include families who were displaced by earlier security operations and have yet to be compensated or rehabilitated.

Any realistic approach to countering militancy should not lose sight of the rights of all people affected. This operation must not therefore be used to justify further enforced disappearances, the use of internment centres or military courts, extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests or custodial torture.

Asad Iqbal Butt