Press release

HRCP builds case for a constitutional amendment to strengthen local governments

Islamabad, 30 May 2024. HRCP held a consultation in collaboration with Dehleez on the need for constitutional protection for local government by presenting its policy paper, proposing a constitutional amendment of Article 140A. Legislators, policymakers and civil society members debated the paper at length.

Director Farah Zia gave an introduction to the programme, noting how local governments in Pakistan have historically been favoured by dictatorships but not so much by democratically elected governments, and hence the need for a more comprehensive constitutional protection for them.

Zafarullah Khan, civic educator and researcher for HRCP’s policy paper, presented on the proposed amendment and expanded on the idea of devolution in other federations across the world, many of which have provincial constitutions. He underscored why an amendment, delineating a specific period for local government elections, is essential to guaranteeing that citizens’ needs are represented and addressed at every level.

Other participants also weighed in on the proposed amendment. PML-N MNA Bilal Kiyani endorsed the idea of a constitutional amendment to ensure the continuity of local governments, and hoped that with the establishment of standing committees and caucuses, it can be reviewed in earnest. AWP’s Farman Ali emphasized the importance of democratizing the political parties alongside constitutional amendments to strengthen local governance. Other participants, such as PPP representative Sibte Haider Bukhari and FAFEN National Coordinator Rashid Chaudhry, underscored the importance of strengthening local government and deemed it necessary to have further follow-ups to the consultation.

HRCP council member Farhatullah Babar proposed enacting a local government law for Islamabad by Islamabad, which could be presented as a model example to other provincial governments. He further suggested basing the criteria of provincial share in the national finance commission award to the provinces’ adoption of the UN SDG goals and empowerment of local governments as further incentives. Moreover, quotas for women, religious minorities, youth, people with disabilities, and transgender individuals must be ensured to contest local government seats.

HRCP secretary-general Harris Khalique concluded the proceedings by suggesting that that the local government needs to be de-bureaucratised. He reiterated HRCP’s commitment to building political and public support for the amendment in further discussions.

Asad Iqbal Butt